Story49: Conversations on Racial Equity

On this month’s Story49, we are having a discussion that’s often difficult to have. Listen here to several local voices as they discuss their personal journeys in talking about, understanding, and working toward racial equity in our region and beyond.

You’ll hear from Pangaanga Pangawyi, Ryan Benson, Kaley Slingsby, Addy Ahmasuk, and Keith Morrison, plus Darlene Trigg and Jorie Paoli from First Alaskans Institute.

If you’d like continue this conversation, feel free to email The next community discussion on racial equity will be in early or mid-November. Specific date TBD.

In the meantime, if you’re interested in learning more, here’s a PDF of Suggested Reading on Racial Equity compiled by Kari van Delden.

Some suggested videos on the topic are: FAI: On Racial HealingOur Spirits Don’t Speak English ,White Privilege, Racism, White Denial & The Cost of InequalityCracking the CodesJane Elliott’s Blue Eyes Brown Eyes.

This Story49 was a collaboration between volunteer news reporter Jenn Ruckel, volunteer producer Kristin Leffler, and community member Pangaanga Pangawyi. A million thanks to to all who bravely shared their stories and guidance. 

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