Helping to Keep Alaska Clean

It’s no hyperbole to say that many routine components of daily life as experienced in the Lower 48 are more difficult — if not, in some cases, outright impossible — in rural Alaska.

This disparity is, in large part, why KNOM exists in the first place. In May, Nome’s annual e-waste collection was an example of the extra efforts sometimes needed — but, also, the special community rewards that can be reaped — in accomplishing tasks that would be easier elsewhere.

Nome’s annual pickup of e-waste, or electronic waste, is a singular opportunity for our immediate region to responsibly dispose of technology, from AA batteries to computers, that has reached the end of its usable life. As always, we were happy to take part: both by spreading the word about this unique community opportunity and by contributing a handful of our own items that, after years of careful and loving use, we can no longer put to good use at KNOM (including a copier that served for three decades).

Thanks to Nome tribal organization Kawerak (kuh-WEAR-ick), who spearheaded the event itself and sorted the myriad items at the pickup site (pictured). And thank you for helping us take part in and spread the word about this important community need!

2015 e-Waste Pickup in Nome
The scene at this year’s e-waste collection in Nome, Alaska. Photo: David Dodman, KNOM.

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