NSEDC Boosts Scholarship Amount for Norton Sound Students

In response to the increasing cost of higher education, Norton Sound students will receive a boost in scholarships through NSEDC this year.

Beginning this semester, Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation’s Board of Directors has voted to increase the amount qualified students can receive from $2,250 to $2,500 per semester. Now, residents can receive $7,500 each year in NSEDC scholarships if they pursue higher education through the spring, summer and fall.

Board member Don Stiles says many NSEDC staff members were recipients of the corporation’s scholarship, and the board wanted to ‘pay it forward’ by helping others in the region to succeed, and cultivate an educated workforce. Board Chairman Dan Harrelson said,“With our success, it’s important to respond to financial pressures and support the career goals of Norton Sound residents. By doing so, our residents gain tools and expertise which, in return, help strengthen our member communities.”

The NSEDC scholarship program began in 1992, with $30,000 put toward the scholarship fund. NSEDC now hopes to surpass $8 million in total scholarships awarded by the end of 2015.

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