Farewell, Tuesona!

It’s with bittersweet but heartfelt appreciation that we say goodbye to a KNOM volunteer deejay who’s brightened our studios and our community for many years. This autumn, Tuesona Tungwenuk departs Nome and environs for the Lower 48.

As past Static readers may know, Tuesona has long been a presence at KNOM (since 2008). She’s been the co-host of The Fist-Pound Show, a weekly, hour-long program on Friday afternoons that she helped to create. The show has been a platform for Tuesona to share with our listeners not only her tastes in pop music — and friendly “fist-pound” greetings offered over the radio — but also, more importantly, her advocacy for those with disabilities.

Tuesona Tungwenuk on her last day in Studio A at KNOM, Sep. 2014

Although confined to a wheelchair, anyone who knows Tuesona will tell you her enthusiasm and activities in Nome are anything but limited. She’s served on the board of a regional organization, Arctic Access, that raises awareness and advocates on behalf of those with disabilities in rural Alaska. The group’s made waves within our region, underscoring Tuesona’s convictions that she’s “liberated” by her wheelchair and that every person, regardless of disability, has unique talents and perspectives to contribute.

Thanks to your support, we’ve been so honored to be able to welcome Tuesona into our studios, week after week. Given her cheer and abiding enthusiam, it’s no surprise her Fist-Pound Show has become one of KNOM’s most popular programs. We know we speak not only for ourselves but also for our listeners when we say that Tuesona will be greatly missed, as she moves on with her family to new adventures (including full-time college) outside Alaska.

We hope you’ll join us in wishing Tuesona and her family all the best, and thanks again for making her volunteer service possible.

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