Arctic Pinkies Host 8th Annual ‘Walk For The Cure’ In Nome

The parking lot of Old St. Joe’s was filled to the brim on October 20th, as Nome utilities manager John Handeland welcomed participants to the 8th Annual Christine Ann Carpenter-Perkins “Walk for the Cure” in Nome.

Each year, the event is organized by the Arctic Pinkies, a group founded by Carpenter-Perkins to raise awareness for those impacted by cancer. The walk benefits Norton Sound Health Corporation’s Make a Patient Smile Fund, Arctic ICANS, and scientific research.

Before the walk, participants congregated outside Old St. Joe’s — chatting with friends and pinning race bibs to their coats and sweaters. Each bib displayed the names of loved ones impacted by cancer, who the participants walk to honor.

It’s Karla Homelvig’s third “Walk for the Cure.” This year, she said she’s walking for several family members.

“I have an aunt currently who is battling lung cancer,” she said. “And then her two brothers, my dad’s brothers, have already passed away.”

Tiffany Martinson worked to organize the event. She said the cause is one that many in the community can rally behind.

“Well I think everybody has someone who has been impacted by cancer so it hits home,” she said.

Indeed, the topic hits home for Martinson. Her sister, Carpenter-Perkins, founded the Arctic Pinkies — and the walk — after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. This year, Martinson was walking to remember her sister, who has since passed.

 The Arctic Pinkies sponsor a series of fundraising events throughout the year, including a charity volleyball tournament, dance fundraiser and silent auction. But Martinson says the biggest event is usually the walk — with community members turning out rain or shine.

“We’ve been walking in the snow, we’ve seen beautiful days like this,” she said. “One year there was so much ice that we actually had ice cleats. That year was pretty bad.”

 For Martinson, this year has been a success — both in terms of turnout, and fundraising. She believes the Arctic Pinkies have raised at least 5 thousand dollars already… halfway to this year’s 10 thousand dollar goal.

The group will be sponsor another fundraiser on Friday, November 7th. The silent auction will take place at Kawerak, and feature handmade goods and community donations — including round-trip tickets donated by Bering Air.

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