Stebbins Man Charged with Assaulting Girlfriend, Sister

A Stebbins man has been charged with seven counts of felony assault for attacking two women.

Alaska State Troopers responded to a domestic violence report Friday, Oct. 10, after being contacted by a Village Police Officer in Stebbins. According to charging documents, 29-year-old Daniel Pete is accused of assaulting his girlfriend, hitting her on both sides of the head and attempting to strangle her.

The Trooper report stated the woman was able to escape through a window with her 3-month old infant and ran to find help. When she returned with the VPO on duty, Pete had left the home the couple share.

According to the report, Pete left to accompany his sister to her home. Once there, Pete became violent — grabbing a firearm from the closet and using it to beat the woman. Troopers reported that she was eventually able to leave and sought help at the village clinic.

Pete was brought into custody on Friday afternoon, and the report said Pete told Troopers he was surprised to be contacted and had no recollection of the night’s events.

Alcohol is believed to have been a factor. Court records show that Pete has at least two prior convictions for domestic violence assault in the past ten years.

According to court documents, Pete was arraigned Saturday at the Nome District Superior Court. A preliminary hearing has been scheduled for later this month.

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