Warnke-Green Out of Surgery, Family Plans Fundraiser

Bryce Warnke-Green is out of surgery, the latest development in Green’s medical care after a workplace accident at a gravel pit Sunday saw him medevaced first to Anchorage and then to Seattle.

The 25-year-old Nome resident arrived at the University of Washington’s Harborview Medical Center yesterday afternoon just after 12 p.m. and was quickly taken into surgery. Family members say he was out of surgery around 8 p.m. Monday.

He was injured Sunday in what police are calling an “industrial accident” while working at the gravel pit near the intersection of the Nome-Teller Road and the Dexter Bypass. Nome police said a crane fell on to the cab of the truck Warnke-Green was driving.

The gravel pit property is owned by Alaska Gold, a subsidiary of Bering Straits Native Corporation. ProWest Contractors uses the land and was operating the crane and truck at the time of the incident Sunday.

Bob Gilman with ProWest in Nome said Tuesday that “all our focus in the last 48 hours has been on Bryce and getting him medical care.”

Gilman would not comment on Sunday’s accident.

The incident is being investigated by the Nome Police Department and the state Occupational Safety and Health section of the state Department of Labor. Federal labor inspectors have also been notified.

Family members are organizing a fundraiser for Warnke-Green Saturday, Oct. 4., at the Arctic Native Brotherhood in Nome.

Plans for the fundraiser include a silent auction and a “split the pot” raffle. Louie Green Sr. and his band will also be performing music during the fundraiser.

The family asks those with donations for the silent auction bring items to ANB before the 7 p.m. fundraiser begins. Questions about the fundraiser can be sent to Bridie Green at 907.443.2250, or Leanna at ANB at 907.443.2666.

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