Alaska Airlines Schedule To Shift This November

Alaska Airlines flights to and from Nome will experience schedule changes this winter.

Beginning in November, the airline will transition to “winter hours” — causing a shift of five to ten minutes for most flights to and from Nome. Tuesday flights between Nome and Anchorage will be the most impacted, shifting by almost one full hour round-trip.

Morning flights #151 and #152 will leave Nome twenty-five minutes earlier on Tuesdays, while evening flight #155 will depart Anchorage twenty minutes later. This will allow visitors to Anchorage an additional forty-five minutes in the city.

Schedule changes to Alaska Airlines flights to and from Nome will take effect this winter. Photo: Alaska Airlines
The above schedule changes to Alaska Airlines flights from Nome to Anchorage will take effect this winter. Photo: Alaska Airlines

Tim Thompson, Alaska Airlines’ manager of public affairs in Anchorage, said the changes to Tuesday’s flight schedule are meant to benefit short-term travelers.

“One of the things we had planned into the Tuesday schedule is to have an early enough departure that folks can leave Nome, be in Anchorage for the day, do the business they need to, and then get on a return flight in the afternoon — essentially making it a day trip,” said Thompson.

Flights to and from Anchorage will shift five to ten minutes forward in the both directions. Photo: Alaska Airlines
Most flights to and from Anchorage will shift five to ten minutes forward in both directions. Photo: Alaska Airlines

According to Thompson, other flights to and from Nome will remain largely unchanged. All Monday, Wednesday, Friday and weekend flights will shift forward five to ten minutes from the current schedule in both directions. Similarly, all “loop” flights from Nome to Kotzebue then Anchorage — and vice versa — will remain in place, but shift forward five to ten minutes in both directions.

Thompson cautions that while none of the changes are major, travelers should still be prepared to check bags and pass through security in a timely manner.

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