Breakfast Wednesday: Pita French Toast and Smoothie

Today’s recipe is a two-fer!

Packed with protein, fruits, and veggies, this one is a real winner for days when you want to reward yourself or celebrate a special brunch with friends.

Summer time is an excellent time to drink smoothies. Any we thought, why not celebrate this weekend’s midnight sun solstice early by feasting like kings?

Pita bread is great for hiding secret ingredients in its pockets (literally). Anything from fruits to a creamy surprise. Feel free to adjust the recipe as you see fit. Maybe a certain condiment is unavailable. Check what’s in your pantry. What frozen berries hide in your freezer? The great thing about french toast is that you can use almost any bread for it, even stale bread. Even fry bread. Try that for a party in your mouth. Fry Bread French Toast.

Instead of greek yogurt you could substitute milk: regular, dry, or canned. If you want a protein packed smoothie, you can also sub the greek yogurt for peanut butter!

Give it a try:


Pita Bread French toast (Yield 10)


10 Pita Flat Breads

3 Eggs

¾ c. Milk

1 ¼ tsp. Cinnamon

3 tsp. Vanilla Extract

½ tsp. nutmeg

1 T. honey

Canola oil spray

¼ c. shredded coconut

Method of Preparation

  1. Preheat griddle to 300F and spray oil.
  2. Cut pita flat breads, 8 triangles per flat bread.
  3. In a large bowl mix eggs, milk cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg and honey till mix completely with now lumps.
  4. In a separate bowl pour shredded coconut for coating
  5. Turn up the heat in the griddle to 350 F.
  6. Dip pita triangles in egg mixture then coat in shredded coconut and place on griddle.
  7. Cook the pita French toast for about 3-5 minutes or till golden brown, then flip it and cook for another 3-5 minutes or till golden brown.
  8. Place on cooling rack and let cool for a minute.


Mini Greek Smoothie


½ c. Spinach

1 c. Greek yogurt

½ c. Almond milk

1 c. Frozen berries

Method of Preparation

Gather all of the ingredients. Put in the blender and mix for about a minute or until you get a smooth consistency.

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