Breakfast Wednesday: French Toast and Tundra Berries

I know I use the word “special” for almost every Breakfast Wednesday episode, but this one was a truly special one.

Today we celebrated the anniversary of Megan Timm’s womb emancipation (aka birthday) with her favorite breakfast food of all time: French toast. Of course, being a representative of Norton Sound Health Corporation’s CAMP department, our resident nutritionist refused my “cake for breakfast” idea and instead walked us through a healthy French toast recipe.

French toast is easy. It’s just bread, eggs, milk, and whatever else you feel like adding to flavor it, like vanilla extract and cinnamon. Here’s a basic recipe.  What we did to make Megan happy was use whole grain Killer Bread, packed with 6g of protein and 6g of fiber per slice. It is one of the only affordable, organic, GMO-free breads we can get off the shelves. Delicious, and with a killer story to boot! We also used almond milk and a non-stick pan to avoid additional fat. (If Megan says no butter that means no butter!)

Berry season is approaching us in Western Alaska so we thought this was a good time to clear out our freezers from last year’s berries to make room for this year’s. Instead of using syrup on the French toast we made a blueberry sauce out of tundra berries, picked right outside of town.

Tundra berries are not like the berries you buy at the store. They are a little more acidic and have more vitamins and antioxidants. Basically, they are one of the best things you can possibly put in your body. If you pick them yourself you also get the pleasure of connecting with the land you are harvesting, not to mention some exercise.

I cooked them over a stove top on low with a little bit of honey (think ¼ cup for every pound) and a splash of milk. The idea behind the milk is basic science: to balance out the acid you need something basic. A cup of sugar is not going to cut the acid, so save yourself the additional sugars and grab for the milk. Add to taste.

Bon appétit!

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