Keeping the station warm

It might seem like a routine or prosaic replacement, but for a radio station in the sub-Arctic, it’s utterly crucial: last month, KNOM replaced the boiler in its studios (as pictured, mid-replacement, above).

Our studio boiler, which generates the heat for the ambient temperature of the building, had been in need of a permanent fix for years, but because of its replacement cost, we’d had to make do with short-term repairs. From a maintenance perspective, it was probably fortunate that Western Alaska’s winter was relatively mild in 2013-2014; an excessive strain on our old boiler may have caused it to fall into disrepair, and with only so many maintenance specialists in Nome, it’s uncertain that the needed fix could have happened quickly.

With this replacement, as with all of our equipment purchases, we’re doing our best to spend wisely while preparing ourselves, as best we can, for the operating needs and challenges of the years to come. Thank you for helping us meet these needs; even these behind-the-scenes improvements are an essential part of our daily broadcasts.

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