On-Air Update: Friday, March 7 (12p)

The leaders are on the Yukon, making their way through Ruby, Galena, Nulato, and Kaltag. All racers have to take a mandatory 8 hour layover at one of these points along the river, so standings on paper are still not yet reliable on where mushers fall in the actual lineup.

In Kaltag, it will become more apparent who is in the lead for this great race, and who has a bit of a gap to close to make their way to the front of the pack. It’s still a long way to the finish and plenty can happen between now and Nome.

Zach and Daynee report from Studio A on the standings as of 12:00 noon. Hear them unpack some of the detail found in numbers from Iditarod.com. Who’s leading? Who’s close? Who has more “gas in the tank?”

Hear a live update from Laureli Kinneen in Ruby, where she recently spoke with some of the mushers on the trail. She’ll wait there to catch up with Western Alaska’s Pete Kaiser and Richie Diehl along with a few others before heading to Kaltag.

Martin Buser talks with Laureli

Hear interviews with Martin Buser and Kotzebue’s John Baker as they rested for a bit in Ruby.

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