On-Air Update: Tuesday, March 4 (5pm)

Aliy Zirkle is the second into, and the first out of, McGrath as of 4:54pm this afternoon. Big news this evening as mushers continue to traverse the rough and rocky trail from Rainy Pass through Rohn and to Nikolai: Jake Berkowitz is among the most recent to announce his scratch.

Strategy continues to play a big role as mushers recover from the battering they received on the trail thus far and as decisions are made on where to take their 24 hour layover. Some, like Kelly Maixner, Martin Buser, and Mike Williams Jr., have already declared and even finished their layovers, while others are planning their long rest much farther down the trail.


Hear more of the standings and the latest update from Ric Schmidt and Tara Cicatello in KNOM’s Studio A:

[At the time of this posting, Aliy Zirkle and Nicolas Petit had completed the trail from McGrath to Takotna, resting there.]

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