Five years ago

Amy with Ora Gologergen

In September and October 2008, our newsletters were full of comings and goings – including those of our public affairs director Amy Flaherty and news director Paul Korchin.

The Static reported on one of Amy’s final projects for our popular show Elder Voices: an interview with Savoonga, Alaska elder Ora Gologergen (guh-LOGG-er-guhn), pictured at top. Amy bid farewell to our mission that autumn, after six incredible years of service (two as a volunteer, four as a staff member).

Paul on an archeological dig

Paul, meanwhile, had just returned from a fruitful vacation trip to the Middle East, where he put to use his extensive knowledge of ancient cultures – the subject in which he holds a Ph.D. – during an extended archeological dig.

It’s a small reminder of the many multi-talented, incredible people who have sustained our mission for so many years. We’re thrilled to count Amy and Paul among our many alumni, and we’re happy to still benefit from Paul’s talents as a current member of our board of directors. Thanks for being part of our family!


This article is part of the October 2013 edition of our newsletter, The Nome Static.

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