Farewell, Josh!

Josh Cunningham

As we’ve said before in the Static, summer is a bittersweet time at KNOM Radio Mission, as we say goodbye to the wonderful volunteers who are completing their years of service.

This month will be our last with music director Joshua Cunningham, who departs in early August after a year of outstanding work.

From his first days to his final weeks, Josh has brought an infectious zeal for community service – and a passion for music – to his tenure at KNOM. By bringing new music to our listeners, and by refining our existing music catalog, Josh has served a crucial role. For many of our listeners, KNOM is a primary source of entertainment; our music is, thus, essential to our role as a friend and companion to our region.

As we go to press, Josh is keeping an unflagging pace in preparing for his departure – doing extra work so that his successor will be able to hit the ground running upon her arrival later this summer.

Speaking of new arrivals, stay tuned to the August Static for a first look at our 2013-2014 class of volunteers. And as always, thank you: your support makes possible everything that our volunteers do.


This article is part of the July 2013 edition of our newsletter, The Nome Static.

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