From Rome to Nome

St. Peter's, The VaticanLike many of our listeners – and, we imagine, many of our supporters – we were excited last month to hear the news of the newly-chosen Pope Francis.

Thanks to you, the Catholic faithful throughout Western Alaska were kept informed on the headlines from Vatican City with hourly national and world news provided by ABC News, of which KNOM is an affiliate. This news coverage is a part of our hourly radio programming throughout the year, but it takes on special significance when national and international news events reverberate in rural Alaska.

For obvious reasons, KNOM cannot provide its own news coverage for stories that take place thousands of miles away. In these moments, a cornerstone of our Catholic mission – to inform the listeners of Western Alaska – extends even beyond the borders of our state. From Rome to Nome, our mission calls us to bring information to the listeners of Western Alaska; it’s made possible through your support. Thank you!


This article is part of the April 2013 edition of our newsletter, The Nome Static.

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