Dreaming of Iditarod

Our weather alternates between blizzards and clear, calm conditions. We can feel the pull of spring as we approach Easter Sunday. KNOM brings Easter Mass to many places with no priest, keeping the faith family together.

A former KNOM volunteer sent us an email, and we would like to share some of her thoughts.

As I sit in my cabin here in Fairbanks following the end of the greatest race on earth (Iditarod Sled Dog Race), my thoughts go back to the first Iditarod…

As all eyes look to Nome, I find myself once again thankful to God for giving me a wonderful life in Alaska. As I sleep tonight, I will dream of the dogs, the amazing men and women who run this race, the volunteers who make this all happen, and, of course, you and your staff who bring it all to the world.

My prayers and donations are with you always. God’s blessings be with you in all you do.

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