A new blog (this blog!), and a new look to our online newsletter

Mission Blog screenshot

Frequent visitors to our website may have noticed a new blog appear earlier this year. Our Mission Blog – that is, the blog you’re reading right now! – is home to stories, photos, inspirational spots, and updates detailing our radio station’s latest activities, and now, it’s also home to our newsletter, The Nome Static.

Starting with the Christmas 2012 issue and going forward, you’ll find every article from each new Static right here, on our Mission Blog. You’ll also be able to download a full PDF file of each issue – in color!

This blog also features additional stories not seen in our Static pages, including colorful moments of KNOM history: such as Rod Ewing carefully scaling, and painting, our transmitter tower in 1999 (pictured below).

Rod Ewing paints the transmitter tower, 1999


This article is part of the Christmas 2012 edition of our newsletter, The Nome Static.

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