Signs of winter, a missing girl found, and prayers for Father Armand

Father Armand
Father Armand Nigro, S.J.

The first dusting of snow has fallen on the hills just north of KNOM. Soon, the tundra will be covered with a carpet of snow and ice. With the change of the seasons, critical weather reports on KNOM can help save lives and keep families safe. We are blessed with this opportunity to serve KNOM’s listeners 24 hours a day, especially during the very trying winter months.

Recently, a 12 year old girl who had not returned home was reported missing to the Nome Police Department. An officer reached out to KNOM with an official announcement detailing her description and contact information. After several hours of frequent announcements on KNOM, the young girl was found. We thank everyone who helps us assist families during their most difficult times.

Father Armand Nigro, S.J. (pictured) has been offering prayers and Masses for many years for the intentions of thousands of KNOM’s supporters. He now needs your prayers. Please join us in prayer for his health and well being.

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