41 candles on our birthday cake!

Bishop pushes the "on" button
Bishop Robert Whelan pushes the “on” button for KNOM’s very first program: July 14, 1971.

On July 14, 1971, a dedicated staff of volunteers helped to launch a new kind of radio station. KNOM signed on as a mission radio station: a unifying source of inspiration, education, news, and entertainment. Today, KNOM is the oldest Catholic radio station in the United States.

Over the years, we have heard so many stories about how KNOM makes a positive difference in listeners’ lives. Years ago, a local man dropped by the radio station and, in a soft, low voice, told us how KNOM had saved his life. So many listeners have changed their lives. Many times we can’t repeat the stories, so as to respect the person’s privacy. As each story is told, we are more encouraged to make KNOM a beacon of faith, hope, and charity.

We thank everyone who has helped KNOM put 41 candles on our cake. We’ve only just begun!

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