Jet Skiers Detained in Russia After Trip from Wales

Six jet skiers from the reality show Dangerous Waters are trying to make their way back to Wales tomorrow after being arrested last week in Lavrentiya, Russia. The crew of six was detained in a Russian gym for four nights for not having valid travel documents jet skiing from Wales to Russia. They departed Wales last week and were met in Russia by a tank five days ago. With their plans to head back to this side of the Strait tomorrow, Wales Mayor Frank Crisci finds himself acting as somewhat of a border guard  because the jet skiers did not clear their travels with US customs.

The people themselves, although they are Americans, must go through the proper channels to enter the country again. Right now they’d probably be classified as illegal aliens.

Wales is not a point of entry and a customs official is needed for them to be cleared. Mayor Crisci says a representative from the Native Village of Wales will meet the crew and have them call an official from US Customs.

Crisci says this is not the first time a group of adventurers did not have valid travel documentation to cross Russian borders by way of Wales. With Wales being 110 miles closer to Russia than Nome – a point of entry, Crisci says his city administration finds them acting in roles outside of their jurisdiction.

In the future they’re gonna have to do something about the customs. It’s gonna have to either be a field office out here…or something is gonna have to be done because some people are not departing from Nome to go to Russia. They’re coming here. We do not know who they are or what their purpose is and before we know it they’re over across there and all of a sudden it blows up in our faces.

Dangerous Waters – according to the show’s website – was to follow five crew members riding jet skis from Seattle to Alaska, across the Bering Strait and on to Vietnam. According to the show’s Facebook page and the video below, their trip has been cut short and they will return to the US.


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