Caught Doing Something Good: John Boy Kulowiyi of Savoonga

Welcome to Savoonga sign
A sign in the St. Lawrence Island community of Savoonga, where John Boy Kulowiyi lives.

John Boy Kulowiyi is a fourth grader growing up on Saint Lawrence Island in the native community of Savoonga. Selected by his principal as a stand out student, John Boy has been making a positive impact at his school for many years, despite the fact that he’s only nine years old.

In this episode of CDSG, John Boy discusses some of his favorite parts of living in Savoonga and why being a role model at such a young age is important to the community. He discusses his favorite teacher, favorite subject, and reveals what he hopes to be when he grows up.

John Boy offers a world of inspiration through the telling of his story as he touches on the hardships he’s had to endure during his short time on this earth. Perhaps the most impressive thing John Boy had to share was his vision of what Savoonga would look like if it were drug and alcohol free.

This episode also features Savoonga principal Bobby Bowland.

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