Nome-Golovin 2012: Interviews at the Finish Line

Teller's Dora Hughes, who finished first in the women's class in Saturday's Nome-Golovin Snowmachine Race.

Here are some of our live, finish-line interviews with the competitors of the Nome-Golovin Snowmachine Race, taken just moments after the racers stepped off their sleds.

John Bahnke III of Nome (fastest time overall and first in Class A/Open Class):

Evan Booth of Nome (2nd place in Class A/Open Class):

Art Amaktoolik of Elim (3rd place in Class A/Open Class):

Peter Reich* of Kotzebue (1st place in Class B/0-600cc Class):

Chris Collins* of Kotzebue (2nd place in Class B/0-600cc Class):

Tre West of Nome (3rd place in Class B/0-600cc Class):

Dora Hughes of Teller (1st in Women’s Class):

Marlene Saccheus of Elim (2nd in Women’s Class):

Sidney Mitchell of Selawik (3rd in Women’s Class):

Mercie McGuffey of Nome (4th in Women’s Class):

Congratulations to all the finishers!

*Correction: These standings originally listed Chris Collins as the winner in the B Class, instead of Peter Reich. Our results have been corrected to list Peter Reich in first place, Chris Collins in second place in the B Class.

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