After 49 Years, Still a “Happy Sweet Birthday”

On July 14, 2020, KNOM Radio Mission marks 49 years of broadcasting to Western Alaska. Thank you so much for making every radio moment possible.

One of KNOM’s most enduring and popular programs, from 1971 to today, is “Village Hotlines.” After birthday greetings, listeners on 780 AM and 96.1 FM have heard specialized versions of “Happy Birthday,” versions that we now present, below, for your listening pleasure.

Again, thank you — for listening and supporting KNOM since our first broadcast. Thank you for making us “Yours for Western Alaska” for 49 years. Here’s to many more.

“Happy Birthday” (in Inupiaq, performed by Marjorie Tahbone)

“Happy Birthday” (performed by the Nome/St. Lawrence Island Drummers and Dancers)

“Happy Sweet Birthday to You” (long version; written and performed by KNOM volunteer alumna Mary J. “MJ” Hartman)

“Happy Sweet Birthday to You” (short version; written and performed by “MJ” Hartman)

Image at top: a “Happy Birthday” greeting from the old days. Photo: KNOM file.

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