Search Efforts Continue for Missing Koyuk Snowmachiner

NOME, Alaska — Alaska State Troopers and local residents are still searching for Roger Hannon of Koyuk. The 22-year old went missing in blizzard conditions last Thursday while snowmachining between Elim and Koyuk.

Troopers Spokesperson Megan Peters said the search has continued after poor weather delayed efforts over the weekend.

“Today, they’ve been dragging in an attempt to locate Mr. Hannon’s remains,” she said. “There’s also a diver on scene. That’s where we’re at — checking the water. Hopefully, we’ll be able to provide his family with some closure and locate his remains.”

Searchers have located Hannon’s snowmachine. Peters said they found it near the edge of the sea ice about two and a half miles east of Elim.

“It was found in the water,” she said. “It appears that Mr. Hannon had been driving and then gone into an open lead in the ice.”

Peters said Troopers will search Wednesday, but she’s not sure how long they’ll continue if neither Hannon nor his remains are found.

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